How-to Build Your Sales Funnel with Content

Mar 28, 2020

Social media is a great place to build connection and trust with their audience.

But in today’s session, I want to show you how-to map out content that goes beyond engagement and get sales into your business.


Here’s some real talk.

While you may have the golden nugget solution that you think your ideal clients want or have a product that you think is a grand masterpiece - it is not enough.

You still need to convince someone who may have never heard of you, why they should buy from you. And random posting, isn’t going to work. It only gets you random results.

You need to design a sales funnel and plan content for each stage of the funnel. Your funnel is the path that guides your people along towards taking a particular action.

This action maybe to buy from you.

Or book in for a consult.

Maybe its to get them to attend your event.

Whatever it is, it’s important to clearly define the goal before you even start designing your funnel.

Now, I want you to put yourself in your ideal customer’s shoes, really get inside their head.

What are their pain points, what are they struggling with at the moment?

You might be wondering, who is my ideal customer?

And how the hell am I supposed to know what their thinking?


If you’re not crystal clear on who your ideal customer is yet - then watch this video that will walk you through the steps to getting on who they are, and what they need and want from YOU.

Because your ideal customer is not “women in their 30s”

You need to dig deep.

Way deeper.

Once you're clear on who you’re talking to. Open up a google doc, or word doc..or piece of paper whatever works for you. Write down everything that comes to mind to answer these questions. Just list it out, it doesn’t have to be in order just do your best to get it all down.


  • What steps does someone usually take before they take this action? For example to buy from you.
  • What research do they do?
  • What type of questions do they ask?
  • What hesitations or objections might they have?
  • What are their limiting beliefs?


Now you want to map out the content that you need to create. Content that will take them from someone who has never heard of you (Cold)  to  becoming a customer (Hot), and raving fan.


Cold: the first stage in the funnel is to create a piece of content that will grab their attention and  connect with them and draw them into your funnel.

You could use an Instagram, Facebook  or Pinterest ad targeting your ideal customer.

With this ad you want to show your potential customer that you understand their problem.

You want to be able to tell them hey, I see you struggling over there…I get it and I have a solution that would make your life better.

When you can describe your customers biggest pain points and frustrations - you’re customer is going to see your post on their feed and feel like “Hey, that’s me!”

They are going to feel like, you get it.

You know exactly what they are going through.

And therefore you are going to be the best person to help solve it for them.

Because, at the end of the day marketing is all about educating your audience about what problem you solve, how you solve it and why they should trust you to solve it more than anyone else out there.

Use words thats describe your customer’s problem in the same words that they would use to describe.

“we don’t like surprise bank fees either…”

“filing tax can be a real buzz kill…”

“social media can be so overwhelming for your business”

 Keep it simple and relatable.


Luke Warm: how will you capture your cold audiences so that you can keep marketing to them? For example you could give away a Freebie to get them on your email list.


Warm: how will you engage the people who are interested but not yet ready to buy or work with you? For example you could send them weekly email newsletters, or consistently post valuable content on Instagram.


Hot: how will you convert the people who are ready to buy but are sitting on the fence. For example offering a limited time bonus, or sharing other customer success stories.


Fans: And after they have finally made the decision to buy from you - and you delivered … a product, service or piece of content that helped solve their problem and made their lives better…

How will you turn your customers into brand advocates?

What can you give them as an incentive like a refer a friend offer, or you could offer them bonus content, something that makes them feel special. Everyone wants to feel like a VIP. And who better than your actual customers.


Finally, take time to think about:

  • How can you make this journey as smooth as possible?
  • What steps can you remove to make it frictionless?
  • What can you automate?
  • How can you address any questions, hesitations, or objections before they even ask them.

Like a landing page with all the key information they need, including a section for the FAQs you expect. And Setting up a free download with automated email sequence, using email marketing tools like mail chimp.

The more you can automate in your funnel, the more time you are going to free up to work on other things.


And that’s it!

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